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Fresh & Fun Summer DIYs!

Check out these fun summer-inspired wedding DIYs!

Great for an outdoor patio, front porch or even for wedding reception decor! Hula hoop and string lights = chandelier WOW!

Photo source: Pinterest

This unique decor piece is easy to make and adds so much character to your venue! Wrap a hula-loop with a simple ribbon or lace and then add icicle lights on top and: viola!

Photo Source: Pinterest

Find some spray-on adhesive & once applied, lightly sprinkle glitter at the base of your vase/glass/candle holder of choice.

Photo Source: Pinterest

Use chicken wire as your base and you will need lots of balloons!  Once your inflated balloons are securely attached, add some fresh flowers/garland for an extra dimension to tie arch together with the rest of your decor design.

Fresh sunflowers paired with twinkle lights can easily add natural elegance. | 24 Ways To Throw A Spectacular Country-Themed Wedding

Photo Source: Pinterest

String lights can instantly transform a space whether you let them hang freely or string them along the ceiling they’ll be sure to add an extra spark to your wedding night!

Cute heart shaped paper garland

Photo Source: Pinterest

Find an old book or music sheets at a summer rummage sale and use a decorative paper punch and string the pieces together together for a quaint looking backdrop

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