If you aren’t planning on having a wedding photo booth, I’m sorry to say you’re missing out! Not only does it provide your guests with something to do so they stay entertained, but everyone loves them! One of our top choices for a Rochester wedding photo booth is hands down The Hype Booth! Photo booths are fun and serve as an ice breaker for the more reserved guests. When you hire a booth like The Hype Booth, everyone also looks like legit supermodels in the photos. BONUS! Hype Booth set out to offer an experience and a product unlike what was available in WNY, and now that they’ve teamed up with Wonder Wall Roc to create the most unique, jaw dropping backdrops – your guests won’t want to leave the booth!
This Rochester wedding photo booth was a part of our collaborative wedding event called Taste, which took place 10.10.19 at Kin Event Space! See more from this one-of-a-kind event in our previous blog post here! If you are planning your wedding and are looking for the best wedding vendors to rock it out – use our directory to find all of them!

If you’re a creative, local wedding pro who is always raising the bar for the local wedding community and works with every kind of couple, you’re a perfect fit for Rochester and Buffalo Indie Weddings! Learn more about how to become a member and benefit from our community and promotions! Learn more right here!