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Indie Edit Monthly Email Club for Couples!

Hey lovers! If you’re reading this you’re more than likely planning your wedding. Well, congrats! That’s awesome! We are here for it, babes. We have just what you need to plan the most authentically YOU wedding: an insiders club with advice, guidance, inspo and discounts. Enter the Indie Edit Monthly Email Club!

Our Indie Edit monthly email club is WNY’s only wedding newsletter packed with inspiration, advice, discounts and gifts! Start off each month with a clear direction on what needs to happen next in your planning, and where to find all of your wedding needs! Subscribers get access to special discounts and exclusives every month from our vendors! The best part? Every subscriber gets 10% off all of their merch and ticket sale purchases! ALL DAY, ER’ DAY! Sounds pretty effing awesome, right? Well there’s more!

Any new subscribers in the month of December get a FREE ticket to the 01.08 or 03.22 bridal show! You pick which event you’d like a free ticket for! One free ticket per email subscriber! So don’t delay – sign up today! If you’re recently engaged, or expecting a little bling in your stocking this year, this is the best time to sign up. Our monthly newsletter will arrive in your inbox at the start of each month packed full of the most pertinent info you need to plan your wedding with ease. Starting in January, we’ll help you start it all off on the right foot. You’ll learn which vendors you should prioritize, when you need to order your wedding dress, down to how to handle mother-in-laws. 

YES. We will talk about all of the shit no one else wants to because it makes them uncomfortable, all while helping you navigate seamlessly through your wedding planning and supporting the love you and yours share. We take happily ever afters’ very seriously, but cut through the BS to keep it real. So sign up today to get the Indie Edit in your inbox monthly, starting in January!

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