Hey, Rochester brides! You sure do know how to party!!! We had so much fun at The Arbor Loft with you all, and we sincerely hope you enjoyed yourselves and found some of the most inspiring wedding ideas and vendors! In case you missed it, here are the beautiful images Megan Dailor Photography captured of the vendors who attended! If you weren’t able to attend, don’t worry! All of these vendors are represented on our website, and can be contacted at any time! We’ll definitely be back to party in the spring of 2017, so make sure you keep up with us to get all the details! If you or another bride you know is going to be in the Buffalo area this weekend, feel free to stop by the next show at The Hotel At The Lafayette, Sunday the 23rd from 12-3pm! Get your pre-sale tickets by Saturday night right here!

Did you miss out on getting your wifey tank?! You can order one on-line right here!

Flip through the pages of our beautiful With Love Magazine on-line, too!

The Arbor Loft rocked as a host to our humble little bridal show! These lovely ladies with Agathi & Co. are ready to make your wedding day fabulous!
Mimosas. All. Day.

Revival Vintage Rentals straight up pimped out the selfie station with their gorgeous rentals!

Lovely Bride brought the beauty to the runway! That blog post is to come 😉

We fell in love with Ciao Bella Studios photography!

B In a Bonnet had a full display of amazing handmade bridal accessories and gifts!

Papercraft Miracles had some seriously amazing handmade paper products and wedding invitation suites!

Hope you got to meet sweet Keri from Flower City Nuptials!

Just a sampling of their amazing inventory of rentals for wedding, Hank Parker’s Rentals booth was sweet and simple!

Filmwell Studios entertained all day with their beautiful and cinematic wedding videos!

Incredibly creative and fresh floral designs from Buds & Blooms! Wait ’til you see their fashion show backdrop…..!
…. RIGHT?!

Special Occasion Hair Design and Sunless2Go know how to make brides look their best on their wedding day! Just wait until you see how amazing the models from the fashion show look! Blog post to follow 😉

The Inn on Broadway specializes in old world glamour and refined luxury at their boutique hotel with event space and 5-star restaurant!

The effortlessly glamorous Natalie Sinisgalli Boudoir Photography really made the room feel cozy!

Can you even with the love happening at Julia Hart Productions?! This couple bring so much heart and beauty into their wedding videos!
Peerless Event’s passed hors d’ouerves went so quickly!

Revival Vintage Rentals brought their A-game to the show! You don’t have to imagine how this inspiring and conversational furniture can make your event unique!

Our DIY Department was sponsored by the creative gurus at Sweet Honey Events! We loved her eco-friendly approach to event decor with the up-cycled yarn pom-pom flowers!

We were dancin’ all day long to the tunes the Gldn Girls were spinnin!

How much fun did you have inside the Hype Booth!?

These ladies at The Cake Place sure know a thing or two about baking incredibly beautiful and delicious cupcakes!

JM Makeup & Bridal showed off their fabulous work in style!
Special thanks to Megan Dailor Photography for her bad-ass skills that captured these incredible images! And more special thanks to our extra special giveaway gifts from Louelle Design Studio, Hart’s Local Grocers, Parkleigh, Ugly Duck Coffee, Hello Yoga Girl, and Little Button Craft and Press!
So many thanks to all of your beautiful brides who came out to the party! We love all things weddings + local, and we are so honored to be your choice for wedding planning in the WNY area! We update our blog weekly with new inspiration and ideas, and are always adding to our growing list of talented vendors! We share their happenings on social media daily, so that you can stay up to date with the newest of the new!
#hypebooth #papercraftmiracles #rochesterweddings #gldngirls #specialoccasionhairdesign #TheCakePlace #rochesterbride #peerlessevents #sunless2go #juliahartproductions #hankparkersrentals #revivalvintagerentals #rochesterbridalshow #rochesterindieweddings #sweethoneyevents #budsandblooms #binabonnet #weddingideas #Uncategorized #weddinginspiration #wifey #rochesterbrides #theinnonbroadway #withlovemagazine #ciaobellastudios #rochesterwedding #lovelybriderochester #thearborloft #jmmakeupampbridal #nataliesinisgalliphotography #agathiampco #filmwellstudios #weddingplanning