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Upstate Local Holiday Gift Guide for Him

Hey bitches! We’ve put together an Upstate local holiday gift guide for him + everyone else related to your wedding from our vendors! Every year it’s important to shop local, but with COVID-19 and many businesses hurting, it’s even more important than ever. Not only that, but anyone can click “buy now” on Amazon, it takes real hustle to create the gifts we’re showing you. Each item was put together by our vendors with so much love for the Upstate New York community.


Bushel & A Peck | Don’t want to show up to your future in-laws or friend’s house empty-handed this year? Gift them a handmade centerpiece for their dinner table?

Papercraft Miracles | We have an interesting gift for the wanna be plantsman in your life… you know, the person who wishes they had a green thumb, but it’s probably best to gift them a Paper Dudleya Succulent and not the real thing.

Banner Farm | Want to have a fun family activity after the holidays or gift your favorite couple something romantic? A carriage ride makes a great gift!

Rochester Brainery | Danielle’s teaming up with Sablecraft to sell catchy banners & pins on top of the Brainery’s retail shop for all of December!

Brush and Blooms | Hand-lettered ornaments w/ his name is romantic, or perhaps your last names!

The Inn on Broadway | Gift him an intimate night at the Inn on Broadway with a Tournedo’s Steakhouse gift certificate! This is also an excellent gift idea for your parents to enjoy a night out.

The Village Bake Shoppe | Attention to anyone looking for a gift with kids! This is the one for you, Christmas DIY Cookie Kits are perfect to spent time with your littles.

Big Ditch Brewing | The beer lover in your life is going to appreciate this! With Big Ditch’s Twelve Beers of Christmas, it’s a great way to show your beer lover you thought of them and more creative than a gift card!

Chuckuterie | Who doesn’t love charcuterie boards? Chuck has boards for individuals, couples and families. The boards are customizable & a hit!

Our vendors have the best ideas and you’re for sure going to impress the special lady in your life by following our Upstate local holiday gift guide! Shop small this year!

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